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Prayer is the Core of the Day

Prayer is the Core of the Day

Prayer keeps your day on track

Pray, and devote yourself to a time of prayer each morning to keep your day on track because “Prayer is the core of the day. Take prayer out, and the day would collapse.” Quote by Amy Carmichael.

Do you ever wake up in the morning and think that your day is too full to take time out and devote yourself to prayer for a few minutes? In our fast-paced, get-it-done culture, I imagine most of us feel that way on most days.

When the coronavirus pandemic first hit, I ran to Barnes and Noble to buy a few books because I thought I was going to have oodles of time to finally do a little reading. With nowhere to go and no interruptions, my time appeared to stretch gloriously before me. I would sleep in and do some reading. Finally.

That schedule lasted about two days. I mean to say that the sleeping-in part lasted two days. I never read the books. My days filled up with new tasks and different ways of doing old tasks.

Busyness is the death of prayer

Satan loves to see us busy. Busyness is the death of prayer. Satan also loves to make us believe that prayer is less valuable than our personal efforts and busyness.

Let us not be deceived. Our prayer time is our most valuable time of our day. Let us not neglect it.

Pray now

Have you prayed yet today? Press that pause button, and take time to pray now.

I’m Robyn Monroe . . .
Writer, Speaker, Prayer Provocateur . . .
Encouraging You to Pray. Everyday. One Prayer at a Time.

©2020 My Fervent Prayers LLC®. All rights reserved.
Photo credit: Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay
Quote Source: AZ Quotes

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  1. Dee Goebel says:

    Thank you for your encouragement!

    1. Dear Dee, Thank you so much for your comment and YOUR encouragement, and you are welcome. Thank you for reading. I hope you will continue. Blessings, Robyn

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