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Praying is Harder than Doing

Praying is Harder than Doing

“Prayer is the greatest power God has put into our hands for service — praying is harder than doing . . ..” Quote from Mary Slessor.

Prayer. The greatest power we have. Do we believe this? Yes? Then, why do we find it so difficult to spend time praying?

Am I the only one who finds it difficult to stay focused and on-task, praying for a given amount of time everyday? 10 minutes. 30 minutes. It doesn’t really even matter the amount of time I tell myself I want to spend praying. Sometimes, my mind wants to wander the first minute I start to pray.

I suspect I am not alone. It seems we are all hard-wired to want to “do.” When we have a problem or a challenge, we want to “do” something to fix it and make it right, and doing is good; it’s just that we would be better served to spend some time praying before we start doing.

Some years ago I wanted to dig a pond on my property; so, I called and asked someone who had the proper equipment (a backhoe?) to come and scoop out the dirt and make a pond for me.

So, imagine this scenario even though it might seem a bit ludicrous at first. Let’s imagine I walk to the site where I want the pond with a spoon in my hand. At the site, the backhoe is in position, and the gentleman I hired is ready to start digging the pond for me.

I ignore the gentleman. I know he is there, but I ignore him, and I kneel down, and I start digging with my spoon. I am very busy, and I am working very hard to dig my pond; meanwhile, the backhoe operator is just sitting there perplexed and waiting for my request for him to begin.

Analogies are rarely perfect, but you get the idea here. We can access God’s omnipotent power. We just have to call out to Him. We just have to ask. So, let’s us stop digging with our spoons, and let’s ask God for His help.

I’m Robyn Renée Monroe . . .
Writer, Speaker, Prayer Provocateur . . .
Encouraging You to Pray. Everyday. One Prayer at a Time.

©2020 My Fervent Prayers LLC®. All rights reserved.
Photo Credit: Terri Cnudde on Pixabay

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