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Let Me Sow Light

Let Me Sow Light

Lord, Make me an instrument of Your peace . . . where there is darkness, let me sow light. Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Part 6.

I like visiting our National Parks. One of my favorites is Mammoth Cave National Park. If you know Mammoth Cave, you know why it is called Mammoth. More than 365 miles have been mapped in the cave. Last time I visited, I hiked a 4-mile trail, all underground.

The cave is lit with electric lights on all the tourist trails, but on one of the tours, the park ranger tells everyone to sit down. When everyone is safely seated, he tells everyone he is now going to turn out all the electric lights so that everyone can experience total darkness.

We often we say that it was dark out, or we walked somewhere in the dark . . . but what we generally refer to as darkness really isn’t darkness . . . at least it is not the same thing as total darkness 200 or 300 feet underground.

In the total darkness of the cave, we cannot see our hand one inch in front of our face. I think it must be similar to being blind.

After a few moments of total darkness, the park ranger lights a little match or turns on the tiniest flashlight, and the most amazing thing happens. With our eyes completely adjusted to the dark, when the ranger provides that tiny speck of light, we can see all the other tourists and all around the cave.

For someone in total darkness, the smallest light seems to light up their surroundings and their circumstances as if it were a beacon.

Let us pray and ask God to make us a light to those who are in the dark. We may be but one person, but even the smallest light can illuminate the path for another who is in total darkness.

May God’s richest blessings be upon you,

I’m Robyn Monroe . . .
Writer, Speaker, Prayer Provocateur . . .
Encouraging You to Pray. Everyday. One Prayer at a Time..

©2020 My Fervent Prayers LLC®. All rights reserved.
Photo Credit: Jill Wellington.

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