Praying isn’t just for perilous times
isn’t just for perilous times
Problems remind us to pray, but we need to talk with God before problems arise.
Perils remind us to pray
I find that some of the hardest times to maintain a consistent and fervent prayer life are the times when everything is going well in my life. When the traffic light is green, and the sea is calm, and life is clear-sailing, I can easily forget to pray. When I am sitting in a four-hour traffic jam on I-75 or white-knuckle navigating Lake Shore Drive, I don’t usually need to be reminded to pray.
Pray when you have problems . . . and when you don’t
Sometimes, it may seem that I am writing to readers who are experiencing difficult times in their lives, and I certainly am. My heart goes out to them, and I don’t want to diminish my encouragement to them, but I am also writing just as much to those who are enjoying the best this earthly life has to offer. Jesus died just as much for people who have few problems in their lives . . . and I actually don’t know any people who see their lives as problem-free . . . as He did for those who are struggling or enduring great loss and sadness.

No problems today does not mean no problems tomorrow
Moreover, none of us have any guarantees in our lives. Our life and our circumstances in life are fragile. Just because we have few or no problems today doesn’t meant the same will hold true tomorrow. Just because we are wealthy today doesn’t mean our wealth is guaranteed for tomorrow. Just because we have good health today doesn’t mean we will have good health tomorrow. Even if you feel like life is good today, and prayer is for people who have problems, you might be that person with problems tomorrow.
Let’s develop a good relationship with God even in good times
Although problems remind us to pray, we need to talk with God before problems arise. Praying isn’t just for perilous times.
I imagine we would rather the first time we introduce ourselves to our Savior Not be when we need Him the most. In earthly terms . . . if we need to call on a friend for help because we are in dire circumstances, we feel better about calling if we have actually met and know that person than if we have never spoken previously. We feel even better about calling if we just had a friendly chat with her or him yesterday than if we haven’t spoke in a year. It is the same with God.
Each of us needs to pray. Each of us will experience greater joy in our life if we have good communication with our Lord — no matter what our circumstances may be.
Pray now
Have you prayed yet today? Praying isn’t just for perilous times. Problems remind us to pray, but talk with God even when you do not have problems.
Take a moment and talk to Him. If everything is going well for you, thank Him for your blessings. If things are not going so well, thank Him for the blessings He has given you, and ask Him to deliver you from your distress. I encourage you to develop and maintain a great relationship with God no matter what your circumstances may be.
I’m Robyn Monroe.
. . . . Writer, Speaker, Prayer Provocateur . . .
. . . . . . . . Encouraging You to Pray. Everyday. One Prayer at a Time.
©2020 My Fervent Prayers LLC®. All rights reserved.
Photo Credit: Jill Wellington on Pixabay
Quote Source: AZ Quotes
“To pray only when in peril is to use safety belts only in heavy traffic.” ~Corrie ten Boom.