
Along for the Ride

5000 Followers . . . Thank you, God

With a big thank you to our gracious God, My Fervent Prayers now has 5000 Facebook followers.

Thank you, my dear Readers

Thank you. All 5000 of you. Thank you for reading, commenting, liking, following, and sharing My Fervent Prayers’s page and posts.

I appreciate YOU

Please know that you are all more than numbers to me. Many of you, I recognize your names and look for you when I haven’t seen your name or heard a comment from you for awhile. Some of you are becoming new friends, and all of you . . . I appreciate you . . . greatly. So, thank you!

I’m along for the ride

I chose a picture of a tandem bike for this celebratory post because my part in this My Fervent Prayers endeavour feels like I am riding on the second seat of a tandem bike. If you have ever ridden on a tandem, you know that the person on the second seat is expected to pedal, but other than pedaling, they are just along for the ride because the person on the front seat has complete control over where the bike goes.

I’m excited to see where Jesus will take us on this journey

Ordinarily, I call for the front seat when I ride a tandem, but this time is different. This time, the second seat is mine. I have reserved the front, “driver” seat for Jesus, and I am excited to see where He is going to take us.

Please join me on this journey

I hope you will join me or continue to join me on this journey. I am looking forward to serving you with encouraging prayer posts, thought-provoking, original content, Bible verses pertinent to prayer, and inspirational quotes from faithful Christians.

Please pause, and pray now

Have you prayed yet today? I hope you will pause now, and talk to God. He is waiting for your call.

I’m Robyn Monroe . . .
Writer, Speaker, Prayer Provocateur . . .
Encouraging You to Pray. Everyday. One Prayer at a Time.

©2020 My Fervent Prayers LLC®. All rights reserved.
Photo Credit: Jill Wellington Photography

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