
Prayers for Memorial Day 2020

for Memorial Day 2020

Memorial Day Prayers for those made the ultimate sacrifice

Prayers for Memorial Day 2020. As we observe Memorial Day, let us pray, and thank God for the men and women who chose to serve our country, and in so choosing, they made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their all so that we might enjoy the freedom that we do today.

Prayers for Memorial Day. Great love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13. My Fervent Prayers.

Prayers for those whose loved ones never came home

When we pray, let us also remember to ask God to comfort those who also sacrificed greatly when their loved ones did not come home. The service and sacrifice of these people began the moment their father, son, mother, daughter, family member or friend, stepped out the door to leave for active duty. It continues to this day, and it will continue until the day they go Home.

Someone does understand your loss

As I write to you, I confess that the relatives I had who didn’t come home from active military duty are ones who were much older than I, and although I heard the family stories and witnessed the family pain, I cannot say that I understand your pain if you lost someone to war or military service; however, I do know Someone Who does understand.

Prayers for Memorial Day. Collage showing Arlington National Cemetery in winter with bugler playing report and Vietnam War Memorial.
Arlington National Cemetery
Vietnam War Memorial

God’s Son sacrificed His all for our freedom

God sacrificed His only Son for the people of our country and for all people so that we can live in freedom from the bondage of sin and so that we can live with Him in eternity. God witnessed the horrible death of His only Son, and He provided for it so that we might be free. God knows and understands, firsthand, your sacrifice, your grief, and your pain . . . even when no one else can.

If you are someone who is observing Memorial Day with a loved one in mind, I pray that you will find peace and take comfort in the fact that God knows . . . God understands . . and God cares. In Psalm 147:3, it says that God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. I pray God will heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds.

Prayers for Memorial Day. Thank God for those who sacrificed their all. Asking god to give peace and comfort to those who lost their loved ones. My Fervent Prayers. Robyn Monroe

Pray now

Have we prayed yet today? Let’s stop, and take a moment and talk to God, and thank Him for the freedoms we enjoy because of His sacrifice of His Son . . . and because of the ultimate sacrifices made by the sons and daughters of many. Let us pray for peace and comfort for those who are memorializing the loss of their loved ones this Memorial Day. Finally, let us pray for each of us to show respect for those who have served and sacrificed and those who have served through suffering great loss.

I’m Robyn Monroe . . .
. . . . Writer, Speaker, Prayer Provocateur . . .
. . . . . . . . . Encouraging You to Pray. Every Day. One Prayer at a Time.

©2020 My Fervent Prayers LLC®. All rights reserved.

Photo Credits:
Red, White, and Blue Place Setting & Yogurt Bars: Jill Wellington on Pixabay
Arlington Cemetery: Pixabay
Vietnam War Memorial: Pixabay

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